
ToRs for Project Experts´ Poistions:

Projects in realization:

  • Testing of inventory guidance of plastic waste and testing of technical guidelines on the ESM of plastic wastes (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia)
  • Support for the introduction of separate waste collection in Georgia (Slovak Aid project SAMRS/2023/GE/1/4)
  • Awareness Raising on ESM Management of Plastic Wastes in Montenegro

Projects soon to start:

  • Plastic waste prevention - extended producer responsibility as an effective tool to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste (Belarus, Moldova and Georgia)

Recent organized meetings

  • Regional workshop on Polychlorinated biphenyls environmentally sound management towards the 2025 and 2028 targets under the Stockholm Convention; Bratislava, April 2024
  • Awareness raising training for NGOs; Chisinau, March 2024 (Slovak Aid project in Moldova SAMRS/2022/MD/1/2)
  • Two on line events; March/April 2024 Strategy for separate waste collection in the municipality of Chashury and Practical guideline for separate collection of waste for municipalities with a manual for successful introduction and operation of separate collection of municipal waste (Slovak Aid project SAMRS/2023/GE/1/4)